How to feel your feelings

(without feeling like sh*t)

You are 5 steps away from learning how to stop taking things personally.

Practical tools for overwhelming emotions

Want to silence your inner critic? Would you love to know how to stop believing criticism more than compliments? This course teaches you simple, effective tools to be able to process your emotions so you do not feel like you need to keep running from them. Because being on the run is exhaisting.


Help! I have too many feelings!

Ever find yourself smiling and nodding along, whilst secretly dying inside, knowing that any minute now you feel like you could lose it?

I know. I've been there

Playing the fine and coping on the outside and really struggling to hold all of the STUFF inside.

I did the therapy, I read the books, I tried the magic cures my friends swore by, and still... I just felt like I felt life too much. That was until someone taught me the most incredible life hack – and it has transformed everything. And I mean everything. So much so, that I decided to train how to teach this method so I can share it with as many people as possible.
A caucasian woman flicks water out of her hair

What if you could learn

  • ☀️ How to listen to your emotions with feeling held to ransom by them?

  • ☀️ How to stop trying to avoid any of the bad stuff happening because you cannot handle one more thin

  • ☀️ Build your emotional resilience so you see everything as something to learn from

  • ☀️ Become so grounded that you have more energy to support more people?

Course curriculum

    1. Crisis Support should you need it

    2. A note on trauma

    1. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 1 - video

    2. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 1 - workbook

    3. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 1 - workbook - plain text version

    1. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 2 - video

    2. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 2 - workbook

    3. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 2 - workbook - plain text version

    1. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 3 - video

    2. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 3 - workbook

    3. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 3 - workbook - plain text version

    1. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 4 - video

    2. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 4 - workbook

    3. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 4 - workbook - plain text version

    1. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 5 - video

    2. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 5 - workbook

    3. Emotional Resilience ToolKit - Chapter 5 - workbook - plain text version

About this course

  • £27.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

What if big emotions did not feel like a struggle?

Because they do not have to

Imagine what would be possible if you learnt some mind management tools to treat your life like a curious game rather than lurching from crisis to crisis.
A black person sits surrounded by books

Just imagine you could wave a magic wand and fix that one thing that is holding you back

Because the things that is holding us back is always the same: our brains.

What if you could train your brain to stop telling you there is something wrong with you and just start playing at life again?
A caucasian woman dances at sunset

On this course you will learn

⭐️ Why mindset is the key

⭐️ Why you keep tripping yourself up

⭐️ Why perfectionism is a myth

⭐️ Why you keep putting off starting things

⭐️ How radical action can train your brain to learn patterns which serve you

⭐️ Tools to stop running from your emotions (so you have more time and energy for the important stuff in life)

It's time to stop the "not good enough" noise

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Anna, also known as HeardinLondon

I'm Anna, a mindset coach, empowerment photographer, feminist, Buddhist and circus expert with a strong focus on social justice and how to find creative solutions to help people reclaim their bodies and minds. I am a confidence coach for people who hate having their photograph taken. I believe by taking on the responsibility to do our own work, we resource ourselves to support more people. I have coached hundreds of people on their path back home to themselves. I am on a fierce mission to equip people with the mindset tools they need to break through their own self-sabotage and live their wildest dreams. I think we all need that. And so I trained in it so more people can build their own toolkit. And I don't think we should all magically know how to manage our minds, if no one ever teaches us.

Anna HeardinLondon

Confidence coach and empowerment photographer

Course Details

  • Align your mindset with your actions

  • Understand why your brain keeps stopping you

  • Identify your motivators and energy drains

  • Stop allowing fear to stop you getting started

The tools I've used to build a life I love

and I show you how stop making decision-making does so stressful

I don't teach anything on this course I have not found to be life-changing. These methods are more than tried and tested; they are lived in and stretched in and reworked for a feminist, anti-capitalist, bodu inclusive lens.
Indigenous American woman with blue hair

Your transformation

⭐️ A tool kit to build the life you love

⭐️  A map to manage big emotions

⭐️ More energy & time for things (and people) you love

⭐️ The momentum and methodology you make changes you want to see in your life