Are you a people pleaser?
🤔 Do you always find yourself saying yes to requests, even when you don't want to?
🤔 Do you feel guilty when you say no?
🤔 Do you find it difficult to set boundaries?
(Let alone having them)
Pull up a pew, friend, we need to talk.
You're not alone.
People pleasing is a common habit, but it's one that can have a negative impact on your life. It can lead to feelings of resentment, burnout, and low self-esteem. As you've probably noticed.
If any of this sounds familiar, you're in the right place -
because this course is here to get you out of the habit of putting yourself last (without leaving you feeling guilty).
How to stop being a People Pleaser
(and still feel like a nice person)
For the People Pleasers
(how to stop ignoring your own needs)
We will work on:
- Establishing Healthy Boundaries
- Enhancing Self-Confidence
- Communication Skills and Assertiveness
This course is for you if you've ever thought:
"I don't want to be a bother"
"I worry about upsetting others if I want something myself."
"I wish people would notice what I need."
"I'm always juggling too many things to look after myself."
Course outcomes:
- Improved relationships
- Effective communication skills
- Glowing self-esteem
This course is your key to break the habit of people-pleasing, empowering you to confidently assert your needs, guilt-free.
Break Free from People-Pleasing:
Prioritise Your Own Needs and Desire
Does any of this sound familiar?
🤔 "Why am I always putting other people's needs before my own?"
🤔 "Why do I feel guilty when I say 'no'?"
🤔 "Why am I worried about disappointing others, even at my own expense?"
🤔 "Why do I let others dictate my schedule?"
🤔 "Why am I always the one bending over backwards?"
If so, then you are in the right place.
This course is tailor-made to address these concerns, designed with your needs in mind.
This mindset coaching course is meticulously designed to help you navigate the guilt which often accompanies self-care,
so that you have more space and time to live a life that genuinely feels good for you.
I firmly believe that everyone has the right to meet their needs. And everyone has to include you.
But, that can feel like quite a stretch when you are worried about disappointing others.
And what they might think of you.
And what they might say about you.
And what you might say about you.
And whether it's all going to be OK.
And if you should have just said "yes" in the first place....
It's exhausting, isn't it?
If you're tired of feeling guilty every time you want to open your mouth, it's time to start writing a new script.
I remember when I used to feel like I had to bite my tongue or hold my peace, fearing I'd come across as selfish or arrogant.
But I have learned expressing our needs makes us more honest, less anxious and frankly gives us a lot more of a chance of living a life we actually enjoy.
I would love to share with you the methods which have freed me from trying to constantly micro-manage other people's emotions.
If you'd like that too, sign up below.
Course curriculum
For The People Pleasers - Welcome - video
For The People Pleasers - Welcome - workbook
For The People Pleasers - Welcome - workbook - plain text version
A note on "live calls"
📚 A note on printed workbooks
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 1 - video
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 1 - workbook
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 1 - workbook - plain text version
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 2 - video
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 2 - workbook
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 2 - workbook - plain text version
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 3 - video
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 3 - workbook
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 3 - workbook - plain text version
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 4 - video
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 4 - workbook
For The People Pleasers - Chapter 4 - workbook - plain text version

About this course
- £97.00
- 23 lessons
- 2 hours of video content
Pricing options
Please see below for scholarship options
Full wage
Pay It Forward
Does the mere thought of putting yourself first fill your head with "But..."s?
This discomfort often stems from a deeply ingrained belief that you should always put others first, while ignoring your own needs.

It's Time to Prioritise Yourself
Does the idea of prioritising your own needs make you feel uneasy?
Do you worry about coming across as uncaring or selfish?
You deserve to voice your needs without fear (or having to worry about how dreadful people may think you are for having *gasp* actual needs)
Is self-doubt getting in the way of you asking for what you really want?
Do you often find yourself agreeing to things just to keep the peace, even when it's at the expense of your own desires?
It's time for a change.
If you're nodding to these questions, this course is your guiding light. I offer insights on reshaping your mindset to assert your needs and wants without the guilt.
You deserve a life where you focus less on pleasing others and more on advocating for your own needs and desires.
Let's untangle this socialisation and get back to basics. Because you deserve a life where you spend less energy criticising yourself and more doing - well - all the way more important stuff in life.
If you're looking for a clear, practical methodology to bring about concrete change
This is what we do.
A collection of tools
to support you in your journey to make peace
You'll learn to:
Articulate your needs and desires without guilt Communicate assertively and effectively Overcome self-doubt that's been hindering your growth Stop forsaking your own wellbeing for the sake of others
The Course Involves
Lessons, prompt sheets, and resources Weekly self-study workbook Lessons for life
Your Transformation
Be able to ask for what you want More honest relationships Less time spent worrying about what other people might think or feel More confidence Better boundaries Navigate personal and professional relationships with more clarity and less guilt
Who am I?
Hi, I'm Anna, also known as HeardinLondon
Anna HeardinLondon
Confidence coach and empowerment photographer

Why is learning to overcome people-pleasing behaviours so crucial?
Because constantly tiptoeing around others' needs while neglecting your own is draining,

Taking charge of what it is that you want can help you:
💖 Cultivate self-confidence and belief in your decisions
💖 Recognise your needs as essential instead of feeling like a burden
💖 Break away from old patterns of self-sabotage
💖 Liberate yourself from guilt associated with putting yourself first
💖 Foster healthier, more satisfying relationships
I don’t say it lightly when I claim this work can change lives. It has changed mine.
Imagine a life where you no longer waste time trying to guess how someone else may react to you.
In this course, you can nurture:
✨ Robust confidence in asserting your needs
✨ Expanded opportunities for personal development
✨ Deeper understanding and empathy towards your own emotions
✨ Genuine relationships with others rooted in honesty and respect
✨ A profound recognition of the importance of self-care
And frankly, not spend so much time trying to guess what other people are thinking.
Or what they really mean...
We'll delve into essential elements for lasting change: mindset alteration, emotional intelligence, self-compassion, and practical assertiveness strategies.
It's time to adopt fluff-free, practical mindset tools for your everyday life.
"But I can't just stop caring about other people..."
That's not what people pleasing is about.

And "people pleasing" isn't about caring about others

What if the more love you have for yourself, the less you seek external validation from others?
What if being generous towards yourself did not come with guilt or fear of disappointing others?

It can feel like you're constantly trying to prove yourself, but never quite manage to do enough.
How much time do you spend stressing about what you have to do for everyone else?
And what people might think of you if you don't get it right?
Or when they might notice how much you are doing?
How do you over-stretch yourself in the hope that other people will treat you better?
Or perhaps you've been pushing yourself tirelessly to meet unrealistic expectations,
And you just can't seem to do enough to stave off that feeling.

This was me. All. The. Time.
until someone taught me the most incredible life hack, which has transformed everything
And I mean everything. So much so that I decided to train how to teach this method so I could share it with as many people as possible.
What if you could learn how to:
☀️ Prioritise your needs without fearing others' disapproval?
☀️ Over-stretching yourself for others
☀️ Speaking up for yourself
☀️ Cultivating relationships rooted in authenticity and mutual respect? (Not just based on the things you do for them)
Managing your mindset means you can show up for yourself consistently.
Perhaps it's about interacting with coworkers without the fear of "getting it wrong"? Or nurturing friendships that aren't built on a tally system? Or simply recognising your feelings are important too?
Prioritising your needs is vital for your wellbeing and the well-being of those around you. I teach a straightforward, effective strategy to help you build the skills to build better relationships.
I'm here to equip you with a practical, transformative approach to sideline the people-pleaser in you.
This is a course about how to stop ignoring yourself.
It is about how to stop ignoring ourselves

We will focus on:
🌟 The reasons why we always try and please others (spoiler: it's not your fault)
🌟 Why we say "yes" when you want to say "Oh my god, not another thing" (spoiler: it's not your fault)
🌟 Understanding expectations and how to manage them (spoiler: it's not your fault)
🌟 Learning strategies to break free from this cycle (spoiler: even if it feels overwhelming now, it's not your fault)
Imagine a world where you:
✨ Say "no" without guilt
✨ Extend the same compassion to yourself as you do to others
✨ Know your boundaries and hold them in everyday life
✨ No longer exhaust yourself trying to meet everyone's expectations
Because, dear one, remember: you've always been enough.
Change and challenge those voices that tell you you're not enough.

What could life be like if you could just ask for what you want
with no caveats?

Does any of that sound familiar?
Because it can feel quite isolating.

And I can say this because I've been there.
I used to suppress my own needs and bend over backward for others, hoping that my sacrifices would earn me a stamp of approval from the universe. Or from my partner. Or family. or boss. Or that guy I had a crush on. Or a stranger on the street. Or the shopkeeper. Or some random on the internet... I mean, no wonder we are all tired. And I thought if I did all the things for all the people, someone would notice and come and ask what I needed. But that rarely happened.
I didn't know how to address these issues because I believed there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I thought that if I did enough for others, I could somehow hide the fact that deep down, I was a terribly broken person (ie avoid judgment and win love).
It does not work. If you're reading this, you probably know that already because you have probably tried it.
This course is for those who are tired of an inner voice telling them they're not enough, and are ready to embark on a transformative journey that doesn't involve being mean to yourself all the time.
If you have been looking for the "How?" - you're in the right place.
I teach a results-driven approach which you will be able to apply to any area of your life.
Together, we'll embark on a journey to:
🌱 Develop self-awareness to understand why it so hard to ask for things
🌱 Identify patterns that make you feel undervalued and learn how to break free from them
🌱 Cultivate self-confidence that enables you to own your worth and live a more fulfilling life
🌱 Foster self-compassion and forgiveness for any past self-doubt or perceived shortcomings (psst: they're not true - and I'll show you how I know)
In this course, we'll teach you how to establish and maintain boundaries that support your well-being and foster personal growth. You'll learn to take control of your life, develop a deeper understanding of your desires and motivations, and determine where to accelerate or hit the brakes.
Many of us feel like we need to have done everything perfectly
before we deserve self-love.
Or rest.
Or a partner.
Or to go to the park.
It's endless.
What if the secret to making everything else more gratifying was learning to trust yourself, your capabilities, and your experiences?
[spoiler: it is]
What if navigating needs didn't feel like such a struggle?
And I mean everyone's (including our own).

What if you could train your mind to stop telling you that you don't know
allowing you to make decisions from a place of confidence?

On this course you will discover
⭐️ Why the urge to please everyone is so pervasive (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you
⭐️ Why, despite your best efforts, you often find yourself putting yourself last, and what to do about it (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you)
⭐️ Why it feels like you're on a never-ending treadmill of appeasement (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you)
⭐️ How reclaiming your sense of self can empower you (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you)
⭐️ How it's possible to not people-pleasing AND still be nice to o ther people (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you)
⭐️ Tools to set boundaries and prioritise your wellbeing (spoiler: there's nothing wrong with you)
What you will leave with
⭐️ More confidence, energy, and time for your relationships (seriously)
⭐️ The ability to stop feeling overwhelmed when facing challenges
⭐️ A method to implement clear boundaries
⭐️ The ability to be more present and authentic for yourself and others
⭐️ A robust methodology to solve any problem
The tools I've used to build a life I love
and I show you how stop making decision-making does so stressful

You don't have to feel stuck.
Another way is possible.
Do you ever feel like:
💔 If you don't do it, no one will?
💔 You're taken advantage of?
💔 There is never enough time for you?
This does not have to be your story.
Another way is possible.
This course teaches you how to consciously develop a personalised game plan to express your desires and boost your self-confidence, enabling you to become the assertive, confident individual who gets the good things in life.
What does that look like in reality? It means having less stress and building a toolkit from resources that have been right in front of you all along. This is the anti-hustle plan for emotional well-being and stopping putting yourself last.
All. The. Time.
So my invitation to you:
What else could be possible?
Here are some scenarios where this work can change your life:
🌟 Navigating conflicts with grace, resolving them without losing sleep or friends
🌟 Not feeling like you need to prove yourself
🌟 Protecting your peace by saying "no" to commitments that drain you WITHOUT THE GUILT (I'm all about JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out - here)
🌟 Asserting your needs and desires in your relationships without fear
🌟 Not spending all your time trying to please others at the expense of your happiness
With a compassionate, expert approach (Hi! That's me!), For the People Pleasers course will guide you through the process of creating and maintaining a more peaceful, more joyful, less burnt out life.
You'll learn to trust your decisions and most importantly, stop doubting your own worth.
You are invited to:
Overcome People Pleasing
(How to stop putting yourself last)
This four-week course is custom-built to provide you with the skills to assertively ask for what you want, empowering you to step forward in full authenticity and confidence without feeling guilty.
Here's what you'll grasp:
☀️ How to identify areas in your life where old stories are holding you back
☀️ How (and when) to challenge your self-doubt and limiting beliefs
☀️ Why overcoming conflict can be challenging
☀️ How to find confidence when it is tested (and it will be)
☀️ How to evolve your mindset as your life changes
You will get the following:
🏝 4 video lessons
🏝 6 workbooks so you can apply the work to your personal circumstances
Pricing options
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
Regular price
Pay It Forward
I train with thought leaders from around to world to disseminate this work to you.
Everyone I trained with charges £500 - £10,000 per course.
Per month.
And sometimes more.
For me it is important to make this work accessible to as many people as possible, so I created this tiered pricing strategy. If you would like to support this mission, we are also invited to Pay It Forward. Please email me for details.