Free Resources

To support your journey

Spam Filter For Your Brain

Bitesize ponderings on how our thoughts impact our behaviour

And because we are all connected, how our behaviour impacts the world.
HeardinLondon's Spam Filter for Your Brain podcast

Free workbooks

A lot of these workbooks follow a structure and that is to help you to get us in the habit of looking at which thoughts cause our feelings.

Self-Sabotage Solution

Free Mini Workbook

How to uncover some of the patterns which have been holding you back.
A woman in a field of sunflowers is the cover for Heardin London's SelfCareSchool's Self-Sabotage Solution Free Mini Workbook

Boundaries Exploration

Free Mini Workbook

Exploring how we set boundaries and why we want to keep them and how to explore this when we are being tested.
A twig with thread woven around it is the cover for Heardin London's SelfCareSchool's Self-Sabotage Solution Free Mini Workbook

Emotional Resilience

free mini workbook

Exploring how we manage big feelings when they arise
A twig with thread woven around it is the cover for Heardin London's SelfCareSchool's Emotional Resilience Free Mini Workbook


Free Mini Workbook

Build more confidence into your daily life
Free Confidence workbook

Money Mindset

Free Mini Workbook

Looking at the thoughts you have about money, debt and how you relate to it all.
Money Miindset mini workbook cover

Better Body Image

Free Mini Workbook

Looking at the way we talking to ourselves and how this impacts how we how we show up in the world.


Free Mini Workbook

Working out how to let go and bring more peace
Firegiveness workbook

Showing Up

Free Mini Workbook

How to show up for yourself and others
Showing Up workbook

Peace for People Pleasers

Free Mini Workbook

How to stop putting yourself last
Peace for People Pleasers Free Workbook

Pleasure and Potential

Free Mini Workbook

Get your goals with ease
Pleasure and Potential free workbook


Free Mini Workbook

Matters of the heart, family and friendships
Free Relationshoips workbook from SelfCareSchool

My Tedx Talk

Personal Responsibility in Creating World Peace